Jesus rose from the dead "on the first day of the week." Because it is the "first day," the day of Christ's Resurrection recalls the first creation. Because it is the "eighth day" following the sabbath, it symbolizes the new creation ushered in by Christ's Resurrection. For Christians it has become the first of all days, the first of all feasts, the Lord's Day (he kuriake hemera, dies dominica) Sunday: CCC 2174
This mission must be constantly evaluating the parish liturgical celebrations. The Mission for Liturgy also coordinates the efforts of all those who contribute to the Liturgy, such as ushers, lectors, special ministers of the Eucharist, choir, altar servers, etc. Altar Flowers, Holy Communion for the homebound, Offertory Processions and Vocation/lay ministry training are also responsibilities of this mission |
Altar Flowers |
Altar flowers may be purchased to be placed on the main Altar or either side Altar by Parishioners for weekend Masses. The sign up book is in the vestibule. |
Sue McDannell 717-632-9661 |
Altar Servers |
Youth in grades 5-12 may serve on the Altar after training. An annual appeal is made by the Pastor |
Pastor |
Choir |
Adult and Children’s choirs led by Choir Director Jody Richter. Adult choir meets at church Tuesday at 7:00pm. |
Jody Richter 717-637-7154 |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion |
The Diocese issues a call each. August for new E. Ministers and for the renewal of the expiring mandates of current Ministers. The Ministers not only distribute Communion during Mass, but also can take Communion to the shut-ins of our Parish if they so desire. |
Pastor |
Communion for the Homebound |
Distributed by the Pastor on the 1st Friday of each month. |
Pastor |
Lectors |
One of the many stewardships of the Parish to assist in the celebration of the Mass. Volunteers are always needed and welcome. |
Pastor |
Offertory Processions |
One of the many stewardships of the Parish to assist in the celebration of the Mass. Volunteers are always needed and welcome. |
Candy Sneeringer 717-624-3803 |
Ushers |
One of the many stewardships of the Parish to assist in the celebration of the Mass. Volunteers are always needed and welcome. |
Pastor |