The finishing touches of the interior restoration project are happening today. There is a little arch above the tabernacle being installed. It is faux marble-- wood-- made to match the Carrera marble of the high altar. Beautiful!
The restoration of the interior is largely complete. Thank you all for your donations, support, and enthusiasm. We are grateful that we have no debt from this effort. We are grateful to God for his infinite blessings bestowed on us through this process. But we are not totally finished yet. The pews and the flooring also need to be restored. At this time, the parish council, finance council, and building committee are discerning the various options. Bids are coming in from various companies. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information. We hope to do this work between June 10 and August 14. During that time, we will probably be having Mass in the parish gym. Your ongoing donations to the Interiors Fund Capital Campaign are greatly appreciated. May God bless you! May He be glorified through all of these efforts.
The restoration work is certainly entering the final phases. Currently, the conservators are working on the older part of the church (the part that was constructed in 1787). They are working on the ceiling image of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as the images of the four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
The updates to the lighting are underway as well. We can't wait to see how beautiful the church will be once all of the lighting is complete.
The marble for the high altar is being prepared in Italy.
We are only $130,000 short of our goal to cover the rest of the cost of the project. So your ongoing donations are much appreciated!
--Fr. Dwight Schlaline
We appreciate your ongoing support for the interior restoration project. After consultation with the Parish Council, the Finance Council, Canning Liturgical Arts, parishioners and other benefactors, we are pleased to announce that the diocese has approved the three-part change order for Phase Three of the Interior Restoration Project. The three segments of this phase are as follows:
Finances: We are very close to earning the second half of the $500,000 grant from the Warehime Foundation. That grant will cover the cost of the project apart from the changes listed above. We have applied to some other foundations for further assistance and should hear back from them this summer. We also welcome your ongoing support for this effort.
Our purpose: In the Creed, we profess that we believe “in the communion of saints.” So often we think only of the saints who have been canonized and are popular among Catholics. Let us not forget the many saintly men and women- ancestors of our historic parish- who used their creativity, hard work, and enthusiasm to build up this community. The interior restoration project is an affirmation of our connection with them. Writing in the 1890s, parishioner John Timon Reily reminds us of this sacred obligation:
“The Church has reason to rejoice, that Catholics are awakening to the justice and importance of reclaiming and preserving the early history and records of the religion of their fathers. Want, intolerance and persecution drove them from their native land. They came into a strange and unsettled country, cast adrift in the Indian wilds of America, without homes, without a church or a government, and without anything necessary to life and happiness. This generation, with all the grandeur and perfection of its civilization, can never fully understand nor in the least appreciate the sufferings and struggles of those who cleared our fields and built our homes. The enjoyments and comforts we now possess, are ours only by inheritance as the fruits of their labors.”
-page iii of Conewago: A Collection of Catholic Local History
Der Parishioners,
On January 12, we held a parish town hall meeting. At that meeting, Canning Liturgical Arts presented us with some ideas about completing the restoration efforts of this project. These are items we had not intially considered, but that are well worth considering. As we restore the 1887 artwork, the elements that had been added in the 1960s begin to clash more and more. Thus, Canning is recommending that the raredos be removed. It is not original and it clashes sharply with the original artwork. The artists from Canning made a very compelling case for this option. It is still under consideration and will need diocesan approval before making such a decision. Additionally, Canning is proposing that we restore the parts of the marble altar that had been removed in the 1960s. Providentially, we have recently discovered those elements of the original marble altar! Thus, this option is very possible for us now. It would require some additional funding-- perhaps about $150,000 or more. All of these options are still under consideration and nothing is finalized as of yet. Let us continue to honor our ancestors who built this glorious church and had a particularly beautiful vision for this space which is dedicated to worshipping the living and true God.
--Fr. Dwight Schlaline
Dear Parishioners,
One of the aspects of the project that is perhaps less known is the kind of repair that needs to be done to the plaster on the walls and ceilings. The conservators have discovered many plaster problems in the walls and ceilings. There are two ways to address such problems: one is more of a band-aid that covers the problem up. Another way is to truly fix and treat the problem so that it is fully repaired. Canning Liturgical Arts will be doing a full repair of all such problems in the interior. Sacred Heart Parish is ensuring that the funds you donate to this project don't go to waste!
--Fr. Dwight Schlaline
Dear Parishioners,
The Interior Restoration Project is moving along at full throttle. Thank you for your willingness to tolerate the immense scaffolding while at Mass. The scaffolding does cause some inconvenience, but we know that it will all be worth it. The photo above was just taken today. You can see much of the old pre-1960s art on the wall being more and more exposed. If the old art is in good condition, it will be conserved and preserved- but not without significant improvement. If the art is not recoverable, then it is replaced with something that looks like it was initially intended using the "NuWall system." May God continue to bless this effort! He has so far!
Reverend Dwight Schlaline
Dear Parishioners,
The project is underway! The mock-up on the wall is about half way done. The mock-up will give us the opportunity to get a sneak peek into what the rest of the interior will eventually look like. It should be done by the end of this week. Then starting September 26, the conservators will begin work in the vestibule. October 17 is the start date for the main part of the project. On that date, the workers will begin working on the front of the church- the apse and transepts. We appreciate all of your support of this project. Without you, this wouldn't be possible. It is humbling and exciting to experience the overwhelming support for this effort. May God bless us always!
--Father Dwight Schlaline
Interior Restoration Project
What is happening to the coats of arms?
Short answer: We are keeping them for future use—perhaps in a parish museum some day.
Longer answer: The coats of arms that are on the interior walls of the church were placed there in the 1960s. They do not work well with the pre-1960s art. The coats of arms are not painted on the wall. They are actually on canvas and pinned to the wall. During the mock-up the coat of arms for Bishop George Leech was removed safely and stored carefully in the rectory.
Dear Friends of Sacred Heart Basilica:
We just finished sending out an appeal letter and brochure regarding the project. Please be generous.
There may be some confusion that should be cleared up by the following announcement.
Q&AQuestion: Is the Interiors Fund the same as the Building Fund?
Answer: The Building Fund and the Interiors Fund are not the same fund.
- The Interiors Fund is a capital campaign for the interior restoration of the Basilica. Monies in this fund are to be used for restoring the interior of the Basilica.
- The Building Fund is a permanent fund in the parish that can be used for any parish building project, including- but not limited to- the Interior Restoration Project.
Our parish initiated the Interiors Fund about 16 years ago in an effort to begin raising the necessary funds for the interior restoration of the Basilica. Since it is a capital campaign, it is intended to be temporary. The Building Fund is not a capital campaign nor is it temporary.
The parish welcome your contributions to both funds! Your contributions to both funds enable our parish to move forward.
Yours in Christ,
Reverend Father Schlaline